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Wallingford Road, Compton
Archel Homes is committed to delivering high quality new homes, that optimise this brownfield site, and respond to the character and appearance of the area and enhance the natural environment.
The following is our emerging masterplan for the new homes:
The key features of the emerging proposals are as follows:
- Approximately 40 new homes, including 12 affordable homes, in a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses.
- Enhancement and retention of mature landscaping on the site and the frontage to Wallingford Road.
- New homes will integrate seamlessly with neighbours and respect the National Landscape and Conservation Area.
- Pedestrian and vehicle access is proposed via the existing access junction for Baxter Healthcare from Wallingford Road.
- Provision of new green communal space to the rear of the site.
- All homes will have air source heat pumps and photovoltaic panels.
- Hardstanding and built form will be reduced by approximately 20% allowing for additional landscaping and incorporation of sustainable drainage systems.
- Ecological enhancements will ensure a biodiversity net gain.
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact Melisa Geshteja of SP Broadway on
07732 531 570 or at melisa@spbroadway.com