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Wallingford Road, Compton

Key Benefits

As well as providing 40 new homes, and a policy compliant level of affordable housing our proposals would bring a number of added benefits including:


  • Provision of much needed new homes in a mix of sizes from 1 to 4 bedrooms. Proposals include approximately 12 affordable homes for both purchase and rent, which is strongly supported by both local and national planning policy.


  • Both local and national planning policies strongly support the regeneration of previously developed land for new homes, ensuring it does not remain underutilised in the long term.


  • Archel Homes is committed to ensuring financial contributions through CIL and S106 planning obligations are delivered to support local services, including health services and education.


  • The emerging scheme responds to the form, density and scale of buildings within the Compton Conservation Area, ensuring the character and appearance of the Conservation Area is protected.


  • Significant reduction in hardstanding and built form on the site, allowing for additional landscaping and ecological enhancements. The existing mature landscaping along the site boundaries and open space at the frontage will be retained, while new hard and soft landscaping will be introduced throughout, resulting in a biodiversity net gain.


  • Sustainable new homes designed to reduce carbon emissions through the use of Air Source Heat Pumps and Photovoltaic Panels. Each home will have an EV charging point or the ability to easily install one.


  • Improvement to surface water run off compared with the existing use and the provision of sustainable drainage systems throughout.


  • Improvement to foul water drainage compared with the existing use. Archel Homes is engaging with Thames Water to ensure appropriate waste water capacity.


  • Construction period of approximately 18 months with a Construction Management Plan, including details of construction vehicle routing, to be secured by condition with approval from West Berkshire Council required.


  • There are a number of everyday services and facilities in walking distance of the proposed new homes. These include Compton Village Shop & Post Office, The Swan,  The Downland Practice, the village hall, the primary school, and the Downs School, ensuring this is a sustainable location for much needed homes.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Melisa Geshteja of SP Broadway on
07732 531 570 or at melisa@spbroadway.com